Qatar Labor Law 2022
Hundred thousand of foreigners are looking to move and start their life in Qatar due to the higher economy structure in Qatar. The recent status of expatriates who got job in the Qatar are more than 2 million. So, the Government of Qatar has made some policies and laws for the labor expatriates to make their lives easier in the country. These policies and laws are not only working well for the workers and labor’s but also doing good for the employer.
The system of work is going very normal between the employee and employer due to the policies that are made by the government of Qatar. But every year and after some time period changes and update in these laws are made by the government on the basis of situation in the country. In the past few years, some of the major changes that were made in the labor law of Qatar as follows while other law will discuss closely in the rest of the article.
Qatar Labor Law 2022
- 1– If a worker wants to leave Qatar for any reason, he will no longer need an exit permit.
- 2– No objection certificate is needed. If a person wants to switch in between the job.
- 3– No discrimination will be made as minimum wage is allowed.
- 4– To protect workers and their rights, workers insurance and support has been introduced so they can work in a friendly and safe environment.
This was the main updates and laws that were made in the past few years of labor law of Qatar 2022.The rest of the updates and changes in the law of Qatar that were made and are applicable in 2022 will be discussed below in details. Qatar updates Here
*1. Minimum Wage
Minimum wage of QAR 1000 per month was set for the private sector as well as domestic workers in the article number 17 of 2020. And the employer will allocate QAR 500 for his employee accommodation mobile 300 QAR for the employee food. Middle East has newly concept of the minimum wage. But this concept has bought are very great change and stability in the labor market.
* 2. NOC’S
It is good news for all workers and labors that they will not need no objection certificate furthermore. As before the law was very strict for the worker that if he or she want to leave or quit the job and want to switch on another job he must have to give no objection certificate from his older employer to the new one. Without NOC our worker was not able to quit one job and join another. But now has been changed and updated that if our worker wants to switch in between two jobs no objection certificate is not necessary. As he can quickly switch in between the two jobs without no objection certificate.
But the worker is responsible to resign for the job at least before a month. This is a kind of good news which has made the life of labor in Qatar very easy. After the implementation of this law, it is estimated that in 2030 the labor law in Qatar will go more perfect for the labor due to which the investors interest will increase in the country and more job opportunities will arise. This change in the labor market will definitely expand the economy of the country.

*3. Probation Period
Employees will no more be exploit by their employers as there is a good news provision for the workers. The change in the probation period from the last two years is that the probation period will not exceed 6 months for every worker for both public private sectors. In this way the interest of each employee will be protected and employer will no more be able to waste time of his employee.
* 4. Qatari Employment
The resident of Qatar will be prioritized more in the job sectors as compared to the non-Qatari citizens. Those citizens of Qatar who wants to search for job should need to register their self with the ministry concerned with the potential replacement. However, companies and employers in Qatar that want to recruit or hire workers from abroad has to take permission from the government. If an employee is catches on hiring and abroad worker without the permission of government then he will be suspended from his seat.
*5. Recruitment
Due to little experience and knowledge non, Qatari citizens work with different employers we are here is the possibility that the employee is not happy with the employer or is not satisfied with working with the employer. In this case if a worker I want to quit job with his current employer he can do so. But for this he will need to complete the employment contract with the company. In the other case, if the employer terminates the contract without any reason, then the worker is free to quit that job and join another one as soon as possible. As there will be no restriction on the worker from his older employee if the contract is terminated by the employer.
*6. Working Hours
During the month of Ramzan the working hours should not exceed more than 36 hours per week. While in rest of the 11 months, the working or should not exceed more than 48 hours per week. However, the worker can do overtime on his own choice. One day of rest per week is fixed for every worker within the Qatar. Normally Friday is fixed for a test day all over the country except those who are working on shift work.
Moreover, it is illegal for an employer to work on more than two Fridays constructively. About what’s the important points and the recent changes that were made in the labor law. These laws are strictly followed by the labors as well as employer in the year of 2022. And as these laws are very successful in both employee as well as employer sectors that’s why in the rest of coming years these laws will updated up to a perfect level.